Monday, August 19, 2013

Week 8

Dear online friends on the other side of the screen,
all I have to say is ...

Create a class site or make online exercises
I felt so ambitious about this task! I wanted to use all of the tools, and actually I could only afford to create one activity using the HOT POTATO tool. It was amusing, but I must say that when the moment to upload the activity came, I got really confused with the file extension…I also spent some time adding nice images to the task, and in the end, all I could see was the “html” for every image (that was frustrating) sadly, I did not have any more time to figure out what was going on L almost a catastrophe, but no fear, in the end, it worked out and I could upload it! I created an activity for a beginner’s class in the Language Centre I work for in the afternoons, a crossword. At Uni it is kind of impossible to integrate these game-like activities, given time restrictions.

This is a tool that I certainly must take some more time to go through… This is an online lab and the activities I checked are based on “real” recordings. I really like this fact, and I let it know to Jeff Magoto, director of the language center at the University of Oregon. We were very lucky to have him for an interesting class discussion and introduction to the use of ANVILL.

First draft and peer review  
And we did it! In my group we had Kunwu, who happens to be the fastest reader ever! and, as I had announced, Valeria. We worked perfectly as a team, we sent and reviewed drafts, and more importantly, we sent the feedbacks. 
I had some problems in this task, and I think this is what complicated my week! I used the wrong format and had to redo everything in 2 hours in order to get an appropriate feedback done. That little mishap stressed me so much (it was on Thursday that Valeria called my attention on that fact) and well, the project was due on Wed… etc….Good thing is that I got it done, and I went through, but that fact totally consumed the time I was going to use for checking ANVILL and preparing the online tool.

Well, two more weeks to go! Keep in tune and see you here next week! 

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