Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Week 3

# 1
A promise is a promise

As I had announced, I'm here to deliver some useful websites I have come to learn in this class....
(useful search engine for academic purposes)--> I loved it!
(An online tool that allows you to collect your favorite website links (bookmarks) all in one place)
In my delicious account I have added valuable information for English teachers, maybe you want to give it a check?
I will continue with this posting later on this week...

# 2
Yummmmy! Delicious!!!

I’m going to say it loud and clear; I highly suggest the use of “delicious” I can’t stop adding links that I think may help my students or fellow teachers at Uni. It is very user-friendly  and handy to  remember  your links withouth having your PC.
So, just logon at:

and tell me how much you liked it!!!

# 3
How is your research going?

Yes, you are so right! This class is very, very intense. I have not well finished with a task when I have to get started with the next one! But you know me, I love studying and keeping updated, even when I do not have much time left for other things.
This posting is about our third task this week, to report on somebody’s research and describe the paper’s content. I decided to work with a paper from KathmanduNepal

I chose it because it is related to development of writing skills, which is one of the areas I devote most of my time in my courses. One of the things that captivated my attention was the realization (and again!) of how similar realities are, even when we are so far apart! Students in Nepal do not have accessible Internet  (does it sound familiar?) and the teacher had to help students to open their e-mail addresses in order to have the activity running effectively.
Another important aspect, which I discuss with my students ad nauseam: learning what other people are doing in your area of research in the world, not only in your country. So here you have it! I found somebody doing action-research on developing writing skills in Kathmandu!

See you all soon!


  1. Now that you're the .delicious expert: How do I connect that to all other social networks? Lets say I am on FB or youtube, have a link and want to save it right away, how do I do that on websites where there's no .delicious button for it?

    1. I'll find out and come back to you...not thaaaat expert as yet!! love.

  2. Hello Maria!
    As unrelated as this may sound, your blog is beautiful. And so are the posts!
    Onto serious matters, I'm also loving Delicious! All my bookmarked links in one place!


    1. Hi there Hellen! Unrelated??? not at all! I'm loving my blog and love adding gadgets to make it useful!
      Sure delicious is yummy, or what?? hehehehehe

    2. Hellen: Do you know how to save websites easily that do not provide the delicious button? Mariale and I are not sure on how that works, we need some expert info.

  3. I just add them 'manually' on Delicious. :-)
